If you contemplate starting from the principles to the goal, then the worship is like a mountain road in a tough go, full of obstacles, disaster, is far, lots of enemies and obstacles, but few have followed. At first, people who travel worship it as the word of God:"So if people who God opened his heart to (accept) Islam religion then he got a light from his Lord (the same as someone who stony heart)"(Surah Az-Zumar: 22,)
Namely the awareness that in fact he is a slave who was given favors by the Essence of a favor which demanded that the grateful and submissive to Him. If you neglect God will pull favors from him and replace it with punishment. He also has sent an envoy complete with miracles, which reported that he has the God Almighty, All-Knowing, Forgiving. It was then that he was compelled to worship the Lord giver Delicious. God has a promise and threat. But she did not know how, then he studied Law.
When about to start a worship, it suddenly occurred to that he was the servant of sin. So it repent. Succeeded in repentance, he will continue the journey of worship anymore. Suddenly he saw around him there are no obstructions that would keep him away from the purpose of his journey, namely the world, man, devil and lust. To overcome this, he must ascetic of the world, uslah from humans, fighting demons, and fight against the passions. Lust is the most weight, then what is needed is taqwa.
He walked back to the purpose of worship, but was soon challenged by 4 things not to arrive at the destination. The first, the provision required by the desire to say "I told ascetic, how strong I can worship if rezekiku this?" Secondly, the concerns expressed about something that is not yet known so it gets busy with it. Third-disaster disaster that befell him. Fourth, the provision of God. To be able to continue his journey of worship, he should trust, surrender of all affairs to Allah (tafwid), patient when calamity strikes, and accept (pleasure) to all the provisions of Allah SWT.
After successfully overcoming the four kinds of opponents before, he started up the path of worship anymore. Lust was lazy, no pushing, always inclined to evil. To be able to continue his journey, he needs a driver that will encourage him. The driver was feeling anxious and afraid (the king 'and khauf).
Thanks to the anxious feeling that he already had it, he began to enforce the longer journey of worship. But when the two disasters had looked again, that feeling of wanting to see people (riya ') and sense of excitement when people see (ujub). If not addressed, will not worship the way to its destination. So the trip did worship should be based on keiklasan and always remember the gift of God.
He successfully through this path, the return of worship again. It was then that he saw himself drowned in the ocean of God's favor diverse, covering taufik, preservation, and so forth. He was worried about forgetting grateful then fell in disbelief, then stepped down from the high dignity of the dignity of a sincere servant of God, and lost all our blessings from him. To overcome this, he began to thank and praise Allah SWT.
When finished go beyond this, and down from "way of worship" is full of obstacles before, then that is exactly what he was looking for. It is now found in front. He is not running except a little to fall in the vastness of God, the desert longing and divine love. He teranugerahi in this state this.
Then he moved to the goodness-perfect life and perfect as human beings from this mortal nature into the divine presence and place in the park heaven. Then he saw that he was weak and the indigent, it has a God, and there he met with God. Every day he is in favor additional hold.· Buya, Th VI No. 3 July 2001 / quoted from the works of Imam al-Ghazali
Allah says:
"O My servants who believe, My earth really spacious, so worship Me alone, each soul shall experience death, and then just told us you returned. And those who believe and work righteous deeds, we will actually put them at high places in heaven, rivers flowing beneath, to dwell therein, that is the best revenge for those who labor , namely the patient and put their trust to his Lord. (Al. Ankabuut: 56-59)
And those who hope keridhoaan patient because of their Lord, establish prayer and spend of rizkinya which We have given them, secretly or openly, and reject evil with goodness, that's what gets people end (good), (ie)Heaven Eden which they enter into it together with people who are pious than their fathers, their spouses and their offspring: and angels shall enter unto them from every gate place "Safety on you thanks to your patience!" sequel it would be nice place. (Ar. Ra'du: 22-24)

When about to start a worship, it suddenly occurred to that he was the servant of sin. So it repent. Succeeded in repentance, he will continue the journey of worship anymore. Suddenly he saw around him there are no obstructions that would keep him away from the purpose of his journey, namely the world, man, devil and lust. To overcome this, he must ascetic of the world, uslah from humans, fighting demons, and fight against the passions. Lust is the most weight, then what is needed is taqwa.
He walked back to the purpose of worship, but was soon challenged by 4 things not to arrive at the destination. The first, the provision required by the desire to say "I told ascetic, how strong I can worship if rezekiku this?" Secondly, the concerns expressed about something that is not yet known so it gets busy with it. Third-disaster disaster that befell him. Fourth, the provision of God. To be able to continue his journey of worship, he should trust, surrender of all affairs to Allah (tafwid), patient when calamity strikes, and accept (pleasure) to all the provisions of Allah SWT.
After successfully overcoming the four kinds of opponents before, he started up the path of worship anymore. Lust was lazy, no pushing, always inclined to evil. To be able to continue his journey, he needs a driver that will encourage him. The driver was feeling anxious and afraid (the king 'and khauf).
Thanks to the anxious feeling that he already had it, he began to enforce the longer journey of worship. But when the two disasters had looked again, that feeling of wanting to see people (riya ') and sense of excitement when people see (ujub). If not addressed, will not worship the way to its destination. So the trip did worship should be based on keiklasan and always remember the gift of God.
He successfully through this path, the return of worship again. It was then that he saw himself drowned in the ocean of God's favor diverse, covering taufik, preservation, and so forth. He was worried about forgetting grateful then fell in disbelief, then stepped down from the high dignity of the dignity of a sincere servant of God, and lost all our blessings from him. To overcome this, he began to thank and praise Allah SWT.
When finished go beyond this, and down from "way of worship" is full of obstacles before, then that is exactly what he was looking for. It is now found in front. He is not running except a little to fall in the vastness of God, the desert longing and divine love. He teranugerahi in this state this.
Then he moved to the goodness-perfect life and perfect as human beings from this mortal nature into the divine presence and place in the park heaven. Then he saw that he was weak and the indigent, it has a God, and there he met with God. Every day he is in favor additional hold.· Buya, Th VI No. 3 July 2001 / quoted from the works of Imam al-Ghazali
Allah says:
"O My servants who believe, My earth really spacious, so worship Me alone, each soul shall experience death, and then just told us you returned. And those who believe and work righteous deeds, we will actually put them at high places in heaven, rivers flowing beneath, to dwell therein, that is the best revenge for those who labor , namely the patient and put their trust to his Lord. (Al. Ankabuut: 56-59)
And those who hope keridhoaan patient because of their Lord, establish prayer and spend of rizkinya which We have given them, secretly or openly, and reject evil with goodness, that's what gets people end (good), (ie)Heaven Eden which they enter into it together with people who are pious than their fathers, their spouses and their offspring: and angels shall enter unto them from every gate place "Safety on you thanks to your patience!" sequel it would be nice place. (Ar. Ra'du: 22-24)
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