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The Majnun Love

By  Nadirsyah Hosen 

Did you know the power of love? We realize how love can blossom into never endless energy? Qais, who became known as Majnun, prove it all. Qais and Laila loved wholeheartedly. When Laila's parents hinder their love, Qais instead of backward, he turned into Majnun, lovers are crazy about Laila so that his life changed completely. Judge Nizhami, the great Sufi who wrote this story, describing how love knows no tired, how hungry and thirsty ignored by Majnun, how energy is generated Majnun's love able to subdue all the wild beasts in the forest hiding place. Loyalty Laila rocked even though his father did not marry her by force to a nobleman. Until the end of his life nobility that did not work touches Laila, who incidentally has marry her. 

When it comes a sense of longing, Majnun dry lips sing songs of praise and poetic longing for Laila, when parents' home fence blocking their communication, Laila wrote love letters on little pieces of paper and then he let the wind bring it down to Majnun. Majnun's father tries to provide an alternative to Majnun. Made a party attended by all the pretty girls, but not Majnun if does not able to be loyal to his lover. Majnun dismiss all of the offer. Many people believe, that the story of Laila Majnun was a mere symbol. Judge Nizhami actually just show how the attitude of a true lover to lover. When Laila and Majnun had gone, it is said, a mystic dream to see Majnun comes before God. Majnun with God stroked lovingly, saying, "Do you not ashamed to call my-Gan with the name Laila, after you drink the wine of My Love?" Like Majnun who spend endless energy, in the month of Ramadan, we also learn to raise the station of our love to the love we exude Allah. 

Energy of fasting month should be able to subdue lust wild around us. Dry lips and hungry stomach is not a reason to reject a divine love. From a dry throat reading it out and asthma Majesty our True Beloved, God Almighty. When all around us many alternatives offered happiness, as Majnun's father refused the offer, we were being faithful to God's promised future happiness.While many are trying to fence off our love with a "fence worldly", as Laila who revealed the contents of his heart through piece of paper which brought the wind, we express our true love in this Ramadan all over the wind. Quran Reciting sound divine everywhere, echoes 

Takbir continue flowing, the wind carried the echoes of love continues to penetrate the walls of offices, supermarkets, school buildings, urban parks, restaurants and shopping centers. Fences would not be able to hinder our love.In the month of Ramadan have we measure our love in God Almighty. Is Majnun ashame rebuke us if we are, "to which sacrifice to Love your life?" Ramadan is the media to prove that true love, God willing!

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