Praise be to Allah, the owner of all praise. God is holding all the affairs, the owner of the kingdom of heaven and earth are His mercy fulfill everything. Sholawat and hopefully always given to his lover, role model of all time, Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions. All that I loved my brother in Allah's religion, the lovers of God and who loved God with sincerity and with hope the good pleasure of Allah, tell-spark spark of divine light, let us ponder and God willing we may resume practicing terlimpahkan God's grace to us all, amen .

2. Love your God than anything else. Conditions of love is you have the desire to be with the Essence of you love. You are not turned away from Him, either by the world, the hereafter and the creature. Relalah against all of his treatment, reconciliation to all his decisions, be patient on all his trials.Pasrahlah and put thy trust. Thou shalt include this class of people who ascetic, remove from the heart of all things other than God. Because the liver together with the creature will not feel a closeness with Him. And hearts will not be happy unless it is always tied to closeness with God. Any person who in charity expect little from the world, then he will not get the hereafter, and whoever the slightest hope hereafter he will not get God, namely His closeness.
3. Expand greetings to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Because he was the great Master, the mediator between you and your Lord. What led you to his door, handing out positions to his community. You decorate born with deeds of worship while the Messenger of Allah who fed to your mind.
4. Do not ridicule or belittle a muslim, because the mysteries of God scattered them. Be tawadu' (humble) and do not be arrogant over the servants of God. Be compassionate asihlah to them, because the real virtue is in glorification of God commands and compassionate attitude towards all His creatures. Almighty Allah revealed to Prophet Musa "Be compassionate asihlah, until I be compassionate to you. Indeed I am merciful. Any person who being compassionate, I will love and put it into heaven. Therefore, blessed are those who always be compassionate.
5. Be patient toward all his trials, for the Muslims has been established that God does not test it with something but for better, both in this world and the hereafter, until he was pleased with the trials, patient upon it, and not to be skeptical about the Lord. God keep busy with various temptations. Blessed are those who always accept fate, destiny waiting for treatment owner, and does not deny the blessings of His destiny. One sign of pleasure of the holder of destiny is His mercy, closeness with Him, with His sufficiency of all His creatures.
6. Remember always be death, so that you always prepare yourself and not so loved the world. Because the real world will leave you if you do not own that will leave him. Haste to repent, because of our sins flows like rain.Weep and merendahlah before your Lord. Remove the world from inside your heart you must be able to see hereafter.
"If you do good (means) you're doing good for yourself and if you do evil, it means that (evil) and even then for yourselves." (Qs.17: 7)
O Allah Pour us good in the world and the hereafter and keep us from the torment of hell fire. Amen.
source: spark of Divine Light by Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani
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