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Pearl Wisdom

Pearl Wisdom - The good of a charity that is a result of good cheer. Who's good mood is a sign of some provisions in the position (those who were given light to the deity) who fell into the liver.

Do you feel happy blessings of obedience (which you do) because he (obedient) it out of you. And rejoice in it because he obeyed God out of you.(Meaning that it is God who gives the gift of obedience that to us until we can do obedience)

Any person who is not facing to God when given the subtlety of His grace, subtlety. Undoubtedly he will be handcuffed by the various chains exam.Whoever is not grateful for every blessing, then he really has been thrust to the loss of pleasure. And a grateful berangsiapa delicious, actually he has been tied with rope.

Allah has made the village's last world as a place of vengeance of His servants who believe. Because the actual village of this world do not contain what God wants to give them. And verily, Allah exalt their revenge than to reward them in a place that no immortality for him. Whoever finds (sense) pieces to his credit now (the world) they are indicative of receipt of charity by God will judge.

If a servant earnestly in a charity he would surely feel the sweetness of charity when running it. And if he is sincere in his deeds, surely he will find the sweetness of charity while doing it. That this is what charity would receive the gift of God's blessing. If you want to know the position yourselves in the sight of Allah, then you should know the position of God in your heart.

When God gives rizki obedience to you and felt enough of his obedience to God, then know that Allah bestows pleasure unto obedience and unseen. Feeling sad because it does not run without any compliance with the rise of running it are some of the signs of those who deluded by passion and the devil. Nothing in this world that resembles the expert pleasure heaven, but what is felt by those skilled in the evening humble themselves in their hearts that there is sweetness pray.  But let none of you are like servants (slaves) that virtuous poor. If he was afraid (the master) then it would work. And do not be too bad as virtuous labor, if not paid he was not willing to work.

Disobedience that bequeath (lead) abasement and hope (will grace of God) is better than the obedience which resulted in feelings of honor and pride. If God gives a sense of boredom to you from His creatures then know the real her desire that the door to you with His joy. If God let go of your tongue to beg then know that He wants to give you.

It was a mild pain trials that befall on yourself if your understanding that it is Allah who brought thee trials. Then the Essence which has brought a variety of assurance to you that is the Essence which has freed you with a good choice. Perhaps you do not like something, but God made him that much good (Surah An. Nisa '19)

Do not demand that the Lord because of the delay request to him, but because of delay adabmu tuntutlah yourself. If God made you always follow his commandments and give rizki (help) dhohirnya thee, and make you give up (willingly) to the certainty in his mind, this means that God has given pleasure (gift) is very big to you. It will not underestimate wirid except those who are very stupid. The gift of God (Warid) was found in the hereafter, is wirid be folded (out) with terlipatnya world. And something better to be considered by someone is what is not replaced its form. Wirid it as a command to you, while Warid (gift of God) that your need of God's intent.

Charitable deeds that Allaah is well-loved charity is done continuously even if only slightly. If you claim a reward to a charitable deed, then you also also demanded perfection and sincerity in the charity. And for someone who has not felt enough was enough if he should survive the demands.

Be people who always rely on Allah with attributes of His deity, and consider seriously kehambaanmu own properties. It is not the main goal just demand (prayer). However, the main goal is that if you were given rizqi manners (manners) is good against your gods.

Suppose there is no cap goodness of God. Surely there will not be accepted charity. Close that there are two kinds, namely the lid away from immoral acts.Close in working out their human vice generally ask God to be covered with gnats do not fall for his dignity in front of crowds. Being a typical person they ask is closed from God for they see themselves kept away from running the immoral, for fear his dignity will fall before God of truth.

Pearl Wisdom - Shaykh Ibn 'Atho'illah As Sukandari

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