Nadirsyah Hosen
In one day the Prophet was sitting in the mosque with his companions. Suddenly the Prophet exclaimed, "will come of the Host." Simultaneously the companions looked toward the door. Apparently a friend who came to greet mejelis Prophet then prayed.
The next day again, at the same sitausi, the Apostle exclaimed, "There will come people of Paradise." Suddenly the door comes from a friend who yesterday also dubbed the Apostle of the Host.
After the dissolution of mejelis prophet, a friend of pursuing "the Host" is. He said, "excuse me, O my brother. I'm fighting with my family can I stuff a day or two to stay at your house?"
"The inhabitants of paradise" is then said, "Well ..." One day passed, two days passed and three days passed. Finally, this friend can not stand and say the "heavenly host". "O my brother actually I have berbohon you. I do not quarrel with my family. I spent the night at your house to see what deeds because I heard the apostle called you the Host. But when I look at your practice the same as what I do. I so do not understand .. ... "
"The inhabitants of heaven" he answered, "I'm sorry, this is me! Religion that I run no less, not more as you watch for three days. I do not know why the apostle called" the heavenly host. "
Friend and went to leave "the Host". Suddenly "the Garden" was called Companions. "Brother, I remembered something. I never envy at fellow Muslims. Maybe it ......"
Companions immediately exclaimed, "here's what distinguishes you with us. Here's the secret why the Apostle calls you a heavenly host. This is what we can not do."
Apparently, the issue of malice is not a trivial issue. There was a handyman satay at my place. Alhamdulillah satenya which is remarkably soft demand. Neighbors began to sneer and accuse the Tukang Sate maintain tuyul. When the son of the Tukang Sate accident, another neighbor snickered, "feel! That tumbal result tuyul play!"
Look at us. Do we behave exactly the neighbors Tukang Sate? We are not willing to have our brother has a value of "more" in our eyes. Fuss, grass it usually looks more "green" than our grass. We envy the success of our brother.
There was a successful career woman. Because of his workload, he often worked overtime to come home late at night. He accused his neighbor slut. When the results of his efforts he was able to buy cars, noisy neighbors again, this time he is called "mistress of a boss."
By Jove! Instead of learning from the success of our brother, we even made a face and accused him of abracadabra.
Envy is a matter of heart. From envy are usually born prejudice, then the suspicion is usually born slander and accusations, to spread this slander us everywhere gossiping while gossiping behavior.
Look, stems from envy and then followed another sin!
It was difficult to eliminate such envy. For that let us ask for His protection:
"Our Lord, give ampunlah us and our brothers who have been faithful in advance from us and do not you let the malice in our hearts against those who believe: Our Lord, Thou art the Clement, the Merciful." (Sura 59:10)
Nadirsyah Hosen is a lecturer in the Faculty of Sharia UIN Sharif Hidayatullah, Jakarta
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