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Is there a Conflict Between Nationalism and Religious Obedience

By M. Sa'id el-Asmawi

The countries are Egypt, Iraq, and its surroundings in the past showed that the relationship is unique, organic, between the people and king. In the 6-2 centuries BC anta stand independent cities in the country of Greece. They called the police. Like Athens, Asbarita, etc.. In the cities of the emerging political thinking is more easily referred to as "State City". Since that time there has been no country in the sense it is today. There remain the understanding of the urban population, that they are in town. In the Greek language as "Polieteia." So understanding the shift to the city of Rome. And then the people of this city called "Civitas Romana." That understanding of citizenship emerged in these cities.
In medieval times, after Christianity and Islam spread, the understanding of citizenship within the scope of the city as a whole politico-social-economic stopped and disappeared. Followed by an attack from the line of religion, which later became the basis inividu identity, and control of the rights and obligations. And then spread-ed up Christians in Europe and embraced by all the Europeans except a few scattered groups of Jews. While the religion of Islam throughout the Middle East region, except for some groups of Jews and Christians. Thus the existence of individuals either Islam or Christianity in the region began limited by their religious identity, if they become a substitute for understanding religion previous citizenship.
Along with the development period, the Christian areas are divided into different areas each have a leader. Likewise, Islam, split into several regions, led by an Amir, guardian, or King, and the like. Usually ttersebut areas named after its leader. As Ikhsyiyidiy and Tholuniy in Egypt, North Africa Adarisa, Sholihiyah in Yemen, and so forth.

Enlightening Period

After entering a period of European enlightenment, came a few cities in the main streets in many areas. At first the cities is called "Burg" (which comes from the Arabic "Burj" = palace / fort), because basically it is used with the meaning established hotels in the surrounding shopping areas and settlements. And the word "Burg" is still used as the names of some cities, such as Hamburg, Betsburg, Hedlburg, etc.. Residents of these cities has its own privileges. They are politically and legally, their existence apart from the influence of various existing areas. They are called Burgoise (from the word "Burg").
At this period in the Islamic world has not understood state known to exist (daulah) or government (hukumah).
In ancient dictionaries, not found the word "daulah" at all. There was only the word "daulah" to mean something that is "outstanding" among some people. As the word is terdapa in the verses of the Koran "... laa yakuuna duulatan bainal aghniyaa'i minkum" al-Hasyr: 59.
In Arabic the word "daulah" originally meant outstanding / round the king among his subjects a certain place. Then experience a shift in meaning, so that said "daulatu so and so" (its daulah so-and-so), which means a period or place that shows any signs of power. After that the word "daulah" a translation of the English word "state", so in the end "daulah" means it is today. And Institute of Arabic with the meaning of the word is set so earlier, which finally appeared in modern dictionaries like al-Wasith with meaning: a class of humans who lived in a restricted area, free with certain laws. And then the writers, and intellectuals, generalize daulah word usage is to refer to all areas throughout history. But the fact is there are not the same, both in form and substance. The birth could not be obtaining all of the territory called "daulah". And substantially more territory that has no rules of political, economic, social, and specific legislation. He is no more just the political power of groups of people, while they live according to their customs and traditions.


With such a power could not be called a reign forever. Moreover, this political rule by the Qur'an and the Arabic translated by the word "al-amr". While the word "al-hukm" himself in the Koran means of dispute resolution narrow scale. It is only because of Western influence, the word "government" was translated into Arabic with the words "hukumah". So the word "hukumah" is widely used with the meaning of "administrative agency that controls the affairs of countries in the field of legislative, executive, and judiciary." By some countries is replaced premises hukumah word "administration", as in the USA. As the word "daulah", the use of the word "hukumah" This experience pengeneralisasian throughout history, from the beginning Islam.Walaupun areas that exist at that time could not always be called with hukumah.
That way, it means that during the middle of historical fact are not familiar with understand daulah, hukumah, or nationality. What is known is the identity, rights and obligations of individuals are governed by religion and region respectively. So a Muslim residing in the territory of Islam have different situations and conditions with the Muslims residing in Christian areas. And vice versa, a Christian in Christian areas with different situations and conditions of Christians in Islamic lands. Their presence at that time, have a relationship / dependency with the authorities rather than by region or city.
Before the outbreak of the French revolution in 1789, French people were divided into three parts: the clergy, nobility, and laymen. They are divided according klasnya. Similarly, the legislature divided and represented by these three classes. With the outbreak of the revolution, over precisely the classification system, and the people join together. That way their loyalty tied to state institutions, France. In another expression, France is one of the city. French state as it is easy inaccessible finally understand "State City" which was widespread in Greece. So the French people call each of them as "Citoyen" with the meaning of the population (the Greek translation of the word "Poliet", Latin "Civilis", and British "Citizen"). From there began to appear, according to the terms plitik and laws, the word "citizenship" (muwathanah, translation of the French word "Citoyennete", Latin "Civilis", and the UK "Citizenship"), which has a relationship with state agencies-not the king or leader - not discriminate religion, sex, color, and language. A relationship that is governed by Dustur that regulate the rights and obligations in a fair manner.


Thus the concept of citizenship adalan human findings, which applied in the plains states, which form the relationship between population and the country regardless of religion, sex, race, and language. The rights and obligations governed by the laws enforced by the whole people through the Majlis-Majlis and representative institutions.
In 1923, Dustur first appeared in Egypt, and in the Arab world. Carry with him the entire people of Egypt Egyptian nationality, and no longer called the Ottoman people.
Seeing the struggle of the Egyptians during the 20s through the 50s to free itself from British colonialism, an Egyptian Christian politician (Makram Abid) said: "Egypt is not a country that we live in it, but it is a country that grows in our hearts . A patriotic expression that is intended to eliminate the insulation barrier between the Christian and Muslim, because they are a generation that grew up in one country, same-bad tasted bitter struggle against the invaders. Clearly, such a claim no other is another form of the word "muwathanah".
Based on these statements, a leader of Islamic pilgrims Politics said: "Islam is the state." This expression is opposite to the familiar "muwathanah", according to history, politics and law. As he intended to put the concept of "citizenship" next "religious observance" (tadayyun) in a single option, which only has one side. In other words, these two things can not be confronted with each other. With such a single understanding, a devout (mutadayyin) will feel rank above principles of nationalism, and even deny that principle. And nationalist groups that otherwise would apply presumptuous and fanatical kurangajar against mutadayyin group, and can even be effrontery they touch the values ​​of religious teachings. So that eventually no doubt such circumstances exacerbate hostility between the two camps.
Resistance between state and religion (belief), the history often occurs. In Rome, ever happen between groups trust "brotherhood of humanity" and the nationalism of Rome. To the extent that, at that time, Emperor himself intervened arbitrate contention between the two groups. Markos Orlios Emperor (reigned 160-180 AD) who is also a failosof, said: "The human race a whole are sisters. The good and bad, all servants of God .. and I (as Emperor) of Rome is the country, and I as a human being .. my country is the entire world. "
And in those days before the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was a struggle between Marxism-which argues that the generation of workers throughout the world are brothers and nationalist fighters who consider some Marxist treason against the state.
Both of these examples, the first occurred before the spread of Christianity, and the second in modern times. In addition, many cases can be contrived examples.
While the cases show a match between religion and state is occurring in Japan. The majority of the Japanese population is divided into two groups, adherents of Shinto and Buddhist. So also in China that most of the population are Buddhist and Confucian.
If at the end of the second century AD, Roman Emperor has been doing the fighting wise arbitrate two tendencies in the region, so what else is happening in some of the nation; suitability and approach between some confidence. Why is now the Islamic movement must polarize between nationalism and tadayyun!?


Islam is the Sharia is not a place other than the liver. The country is a place of eternal stayed by someone. So how Islam will be turned into a place, how the faith turned into a place!? Though the difference is very clear. Faith is located in the heart and saw the birth of deeds. While the place is something that is occupied / stayed by someone!
Changing the slogan "Islam is the state" than just a feeling to the form of actual practice, will have an impact on the replacement of the sense of faith and then shift the understanding of the state.
Faith is common sense. It is a appearance of a universal personality. If he is limited by place, then it will turn it into material, become as racism, and ideology.
While the state is the form and concept, encompassing people, geography, history, politics, and the facts of the past and the future. Changing religion to matter, forms of racism, or the rules of ideology, would ruin the whole form and concept of state in the interest group, or organization that would replace the concept of nation and citizenship.
That way faith will change shape as a whole, the state will break down the total, and ended the ideology of citizenship with all its terms. Loyalty someone will rely on the organization rather than to the state, the tendency was only on one or a few people not to the entire nation, in general to all mankind and to the law in particular. Of particular concern have an impact on the emergence apatride system, whereby a person stateless, and wasted no nationality.
In such a chaotic situation, the elements of the state would not likely be able to face the onslaught of the enemy and protecting its citizens. Moreover, if the added situation of split-national forces beside him. A very chaotic situation that will only facilitate the arrival of the enemy ready to destroy.

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